Say to your husband, "have you heard of John Cedars?" And watch his face? Does he recognize the name? Or, have you ever heard of ARC? You could say you heard people talking about it... 😉
PS, what does "sfts" stand for?
a year since i posted, husband and i are still sfts but we're relatively free.
i gave birth to twins some months back, moved out of india, then back to india because it's easier to maintain our cover.. things are much more peaceful now that there are no in-person meetings.
i have a strange feeling that my husband is also pimo but i'm taking things slow.
Say to your husband, "have you heard of John Cedars?" And watch his face? Does he recognize the name? Or, have you ever heard of ARC? You could say you heard people talking about it... 😉
PS, what does "sfts" stand for?
on reddit, a pimo elder talked about the co special meeting with the co about all what’s important, tight pants!
omg we have a pandemic, some have lost their jobs, people are depressed, but let’s stop the brothers from wearing tight pants.
also, metro style haircuts.
Don't forget, the C.O. also mentioned "brightly colored socks" (how unhumble) This seems to be the best thing WT could do to wake people up. I have read of sooo many saying "this is too much"
the wt sponsored zoom meetings reduce individual freedom, spirituality.
the wt sponsored zoom meetings enables ego maniacs, narcissists to have their influence beamed right into your living room.
conversations that were private, personal are now broadcast, forced on all participants.
ZOOM meetings and videos from the "command center" are perfect for WT. "Morning Worship" straight from Bethel? Who could hope for a faster, better, more economical method to brainwash.
We thought "5 meetings a week" were bad, now it's 24/7.
I watched a funeral/ memorial and there were WT "paradise videos" shown even there.
so my brother recently became df.
he has full intentions of being reinstated, but it is going to take at least a year.
if the end times occurs while he is df, will he still be allowed in the kingdom of god?.
AZ1008, I was in this religion in the 70's, 80's going "door to door" & I would tell Catholics that WE had the right religion because WE didn't excommunicate. That it was mean, the Bible didn't support it, and at that time, JWs didnt do it.
Well, that changed, also when many people listened to their friends, their relatives about child sex abuse (CSA) or some ability to question or research and find out what a business money making machine it is, and "woke up" and left.
WT couldn't have that, and began its history of separating family, labeling people "apostates" like Hitler used the label "Jews" to take land, homes, businesses, money and family" Quite a neat little cult trick.
Label somebody, and they don't deserve anything!
You have taken their life, their dignity and their rights.
what questions should be asked to a jehovah`s witness when confronted with them.. a jw gives his sermon.
"you" immediately ask him by what authority he has from god that you should take notice of him ,seeing their are over 40,000 different christian religions in the world who claim to represent god,.
What if someone who is awake, answered on the ZOOM meeting, in a ROBOTS voice. "I will listen, obey, and be blessed, I will do what I am told even if it is not logical from a human viewpoint" 😄
gma is excited.
i found out for christmas i'm going to be a great grandmother twice over.
granddaughters (sisters) are both expecting.
Congratulations, enjoy your fam', enjoy your life!
i think it should simply be there to help us citizens.
and besides giving money to other countries, stop giving money to the arts and entertainment..... give money to help taxpayers struggling with debt .
Definitely not. It should be against the law to tether one bill to another, it's dishonest.
we were told by watchtower that no way jesus was born on dec. 25th.
what do you think now?.
WT loves to distract so they will look superior!
Most people dont even care about that, or if pagans had celebrations like it.
Family, fun and love. An excuse to have a good time.
from the borg?.
i point to none other than cal lehman and the towerwatch ministries. the years following the collapse of the ussr and the 1995 generation left a bad taste in my mouth for a long time.
The WT itself, the 2011 October and November mags about 607. No 607 = no 1914 = no 1919 = no GB. Plus the 2nd Finished Mystery that had them counting steps from one printing bindery to another, subtracting steps for the subway = the exact # you find in some Hebrew testament book, and that PROVES this book was from god, or Russell approved. I cried... they were numerologists all along, and I had fallen victim to people playing the shell game.
my jw mom just died last week, about 6 1/2 months after my non jw dad died (dehydration, starvation, imo) i was the executor of that will.
before a month had passed of his death, my dad & mom's will was changed.
i didn't know until she died.
VanderHoven, I was "in the will" as "disinherited... meaning, "you are no longer my daughter, you have no right to this money." Both my sister & I were basically disowned